Move from a place of reactionary decision-making to conscious authenticity and creation.


Do you ever feel like you wear a mask? That the real you only comes up to the surface after a long day of being what everyone needs you to be. But by then, you’re so tired, you don’t get to exercise this “real you.”

Or maybe you feel as though you carry an immense invisible burden to which people keep adding. It gets heavier by the day and you feel mentally, physically, and spiritually depleted. And at the same time, you feel responsible for all these people. As though if you didn’t do all that you do, things would just fall apart.

So you keep doing all the things for all the people. And you? You. Come. Last.

You find yourself wondering why nobody cares about you in the way you care for them? Where are the people who will drop everything to support YOU?

The result of which is a host of mental, physical, and emotional dysregulations:

Anxiety. Emotional Burnout. Overwhelm. Loneliness.

Often, these types of emotional dysregulations happen as a result of boundaries that have been traversed, are weak, or are non-existent. Ignoring our own boundaries creates a cycle of people-pleasing, which is not a form of selfless love, but instead a form of personal abuse. It will inevitably perpetuate a life far from our true purpose.

The path to living an aligned life takes a great deal of patience and immense courage. One must be willing to release layers of cultural programing, overcome social norms and familial expectations, and take responsibility for compassionately readjusting course, opening up to following that unique blueprint carried within.

that Journey begins with consciousness.

Unprocessed wounding creates patterns in our human behaviors, effectively shackling us to the painful emotion that has been left unattended. These painful emotions surface each time a situation triggers recall of the initial wounding. Growing in awareness of our unique trigger points is a first step towards healing. Holding ourselves and our experiences in divine love and acceptance, and integrating these shadow aspects of ourselves into conscious light releases us from the bondage of reactionary living.


Knowing or perceiving within oneself, sensible, inwardly aware

This is about reclaiming your life.

is a 16-week program that deep dives into the foundational wounding that has helped create your current

patterns. I’ll guide you through journaling exercises to meet your wounded inner child, as well as retrieve shadow aspects for integration. We’ll look into 5 crucial areas of your life where maintaining solid boundaries is imperative, and determine where changes need to be made to give you back your glow, your zest, your juice.

This course will help you pull back your energy and quiet the noise so that you can tune in to the core of who you truly are. As you get quiet, you’ll begin to tap into that sacred inner guidance that moves you towards your true path.

You’ll receive:

  • Daily lessons in manageable bites

  • Journaling exercises and worksheets

  • Lifetime access to course materials

  • Access to the member Facebook group

  • Weekly integration calls

  • And ongoing support from Allison for the duration of the program

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